Oct 27
kidd81.com takes on London and ‘Pop Life’ at the Tate!
Tom and I decided to go and visit my brother in london… It’s been a while since I have been down there, but things have been mighty hectic at work, especially with putting the final touches on the 2010 Hein Gericke campaign. So I thought a nice long weekend away would be a good way to recharge the batteries:)
I also thought it would be cool to meet up with Tracey… My uni mate from back in the day… I have been meaning to catch up but just never had the time! Seven years has been a long wait! haha :/
Make time Mr P! Haha
Admittedly, we had a bit of an ordeal getting down there – no shit! For some reason I thought it would be clever to do the A-Roads, not realising there were diversions which took us right back to Cambridge! Nice! What should have taken us just under 4 hours actually took us six! I was calm! Honest! hehe
We finally made it in to London at about 6 and then out on the tiles in Camden and their famous Cuban bar in the market! Tom and Tracey were big fans! I had a little too much to drink tho!
Sunday proved to be a bit of an anti-climax tho’. We had the best Sunday dinner at The Crown in Cricklewood but the Liverpool v Man United game left a bad taste in the mouth! The less said about that the better! I was gutted but always said that Liverpool would be more up for it! Oh well! I have a good friend who I had a bet with that Unitied would win and later she sent this message “ha ha ha,bless u.i couldnt take it from you..taking the victory from you yesterday was payment enough!!!!!ha ha” – A real low blow! haha
We later went to see Ricky Gervais’ new flick The Invention of Lying. I was real impressed with Ghost Town and was looking forward to seeing this but It proved a bit of a let down really. There are only so many times Ricky can play the ‘Chubby Loser’ card in order to gain a few extra laughs… I don’t think he needs to take the mickey out of himself… he’s a comedy genius without doing that. It was amusing to see Shaun Williamson and Stephen Merchant performing a cameo on the big screen! Go Barry from Eastenders! haha
Yesterday Tom and I decided to have a waltz round the ‘big smoke’ where we ended up visiting the Tate and the Pop Life exhibition… I was in my element! The whole exhibition was centered round the works of Andy Warhol and how he embraced the media to build up his brand. There were sprinkings of work from Damien Hirst and x-rated Jeff Koons.. but I was particularly impressed with Piotr Uklanski but most of all the work of Keith Haring. As you can imagine his work is right up my street! )
After a hop skipping and jumping from tube to tube we enjoyed dinner in Brick Lane which was nice.. and I was starving! haha and Tom also made a purchase! I was quite impressed also the amount of people who has clocked my fun-packed hoody too.. I’m guessing it’s not hard to miss in the middle of Oxford Street! We decided to make the 4 hr dash up the M1 back home… Apart from the United result I had a great weekend!
Fun-Packed Mr P =)

Pop Life @ The Tate